How Vinyl Replacement Windows Compare to Wood Windows

How Vinyl Replacement Windows Compare to Wood Windows When you’re looking for new replacement windows for your home, you might be surprised by just how many options are out there. Not only do windows come in a large variety of styles, you can get replacement windows in a variety of different materials. Wood windows have long been a favorite with homeowners who love the classic, traditional look. But over the years, vinyl replacement windows have become the top choice for homeowners. All types of window materials have their pros and cons, so how do vinyl windows compare to wood windows ?


The number one reason that so many choose vinyl for their new replacement windows is because they are so much more affordable than other types of windows. Wood windows, on the other hand, are one of the most expensive types of replacement windows on the market. The exact price of windows, no matter what type of window it is, varies depending on the size of the window and the manufacturer, but wood windows consistently cost considerably more than vinyl replacement windows.


A lot of people love the look of wood windows, but one of the biggest downsides that come with them is how much effort you have to put into taking care of them. Wood windows need to be scraped and painted or stained every now and then to protect the wood and prevent wood rot. When you paint window frames, you have to be very careful about how you paint them, otherwise the window can get stuck shut as the paint dries. If you end up with a small section of wood that has been damaged or started to rot, you’ll need to have that taken care of to prevent the damage from spreading.

Vinyl replacement windows require virtually no maintenance. You don’t need to paint them, so that’s one less chore for you to worry about. Since you don’t have to paint vinyl windows, you’ll never have to worry about them starting to peel or chip over time. If your vinyl windows start looking a little dirty, good old fashioned soap and water can help make them look as good as new again.


Since so many people like wood windows because of the way they look, they can be quick to dismiss the idea of getting vinyl replacement windows because they think vinyl windows only come in two colors: white or beige. While you can absolutely get vinyl replacement windows with white or beige frames, those are hardly the only options available. Vinyl replacement windows can come in a variety of colors and faux wood finishes, so it is possible to get the look of wood windows, but without the expense or having to deal with the maintenance.

With their budget friendly prices and how little maintenance they require, it’s easy to see so many homeowners are choosing vinyl replacement windows!