Simple Ways to Save Water

A home water valve placed outside. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, American families use approximately 300 gallons of water per day. Though that number may seem extremely high, it turns out that water plays a huge role in the majority of daily household activities. Keeping in mind how expensive water bills can get, we put together a mini guide for how to cut down on your water expenditure. By doing so, you get a two-for-one deal of cutting down on home living costs while also looking out for the environment - not too shabby! Take a look below.

Trim Down Shower Time As much as everyone loves their long showers to relax and zone out for a bit, they’re, as you might expect, a major waste of water. Try trimming your shower time to a duration that allows you to get a sufficient cleanse - but nothing past that. Five minutes is a good benchmark goal to set; after doing it enough times, it becomes just another part of your routine and can actually save you a significant chunk of time in the morning.

“Never let the water run” For many of us, this probably goes without saying. While brushing your teeth, washing the dishes, drying your hands, and any other activity that involves a sink faucet, shut the water off when it’s not being utilized.

Watch out for leaks Surprisingly, a high amount of water we expend isn’t actually used at all. The cause of this is linked to leaks in low-profile areas that people normally don’t check everyday such as garden hoses, pipes under the sink, and hidden basement plumbing. Cut down on leaks by performing regular maintenance checks on home utilities that are prone to leakage such as the water supply line, kitchen sink, tub faucet, and a running toilet.

Fully stock the washing machine, dryer, and dishwasher Each of these utilities are notorious for guzzling enormous amounts of water. For this reason, wait to use them until there’s enough materials for a full load. It’s convenient to get things washed and ready to go even when there’s only about a half a load’s worth - especially in emergency situations like hurrying to wash a dress - but in regular circumstances, it will strongly reduce your water bill if you take the time to wait.

Leave out the hose when washing outdoor windows A popular technique to washing outdoor home windows is spraying them with a hose. It’s an effective method, but tends to waste a great deal of water. Although it takes more effort and time, using the old-fashioned technique of a bucket, soap, and sponge gets the job done just as well while also conserving water. When it comes to tall, hard-to-reach windows, use a window washer pole for maximum coverage and reach.
